Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 things you didn't know about me

This month I'm turning the big 3-0. Although I know that may not seem like a big deal to some, I've discovered that the average American woman lives to be around 79 years old. That means I'm almost half way there! Eeeek!
If I'm almost half way done with life then I better get to thinking about what I've done so far and what still lies ahead right?
I've had a constant thought in my head lately. A nagging really. A "what's my purpose in life?" kinda thought. And although I am thankful to have been put on this earth to be a mother to my 3 amazing boys, sometimes I worry that I'll leave this earth without having the opportunity to have made an impact.
Something outside the normal day to day. Nothing spectacular or crazy, just something......special.
I feel like maybe if everyone planned to make an impact in this world in a positive way before heading out the door, this earth might be a better place.
As you may have figured out by now I have a lot of random thinking going on in my brain. I thought it might be fun (and in honor of my 30th birthday approaching) to share a list of some other things you may not know about me. And just to be, you know, random, I'll make it a list from 1-30!

1. I was born with a hole in my heart. To my parents relief it closed by itself over time.

2. I learned to roller skate when I was about 6 or 7 years old and was really good! I was super bummed when "Roller Blades" made their debut.

3. I've had oral surgeries to remove 5+ extra teeth that have randomly grown in. So not cool! My dad appointed me with the name "Snaggle Tooth"

4. I'm addicted to the "Ka-Glom" game on my cell phone. It relaxes me so I play it in bed at night.

5. I am terrified of glaciers! Don't ask me why! I don't know! I've never seen one in person, just pictures and they are terrifying!

6. My pet peeve is people who chew gum with their mouths open. It's still food AND your chewing, so shut it!

7. I had a pet mouse when I was younger that I kept in my room. Ughhhh!

8. My grandmother once told my mom that I was reincarnated

9. I cheated on a test once in 5th grade and got an A+. I've never been able to forget about that and I've always wanted to apologize to Ms. Bauer, my 5th grade teacher.

10.  If I won the lottery tomorrow my husband and I would have more children

11. I think my hands are chubby and I've always wanted pretty, dainty girly hands like some of my friends.

12. I think I have a little bit of OCD. No really!

13. I took my driver's license test 9 months pregnant. (I passed)

14. People tell me that I'm really sensitive. I think most people need to be more sensitive to others!

15. It really annoys me when people don't use spell check.

16. I collect snow globes. I have tons of them. I try and get one everytime I go somewhere special. And anytime a friend or family member goes on vacation and asks if I'd like them to bring me something back I always ask for a snow globe. I have snow globes from Italy, Hawaii, New York, LasVegas, Disneyland and one from my honeymoon circa 1999 ♥, among others!

17. I got detention once in 3rd grade for not doing my homework. My dad was always late picking us up from school so he never found out.

18. I've never been in a physical fight

19. When I was pregnant with Andrew my Dr. told me that he was going to be less than 7 pounds so I opted to try for a natural birth. He was born at 9 pounds 1 oz. The Dr. was a little off..........

20. When my son Michael was receiving his chemotherapy treatments I learned how to give him his medications intravenously so that he wouldn't have to go to the hospital everyday.

21. I once witnessed a guy who was speeding on the fwy slam right into the back of an 18 wheeler. It was the worst thing I've ever seen and the feeling of watching it was horrifying.

22. I met and shook hands with President Bill Clinton after the Northridge earthquake.

23. I HATE hot dogs!

24. My own personal motto in life is that I have it "MADE" = Memo, Michael, Andrew, Dominic & Elena

25. I hate the sound of my cell phone going off so I put it on silent and check it when I remember

26. My favorite alcoholic beverage is a banana margarita. Which leads me to my #27:

27. I hate beer

28. I wear a size 10 shoe which I was really embarrassed about for awhile. But I've gotten over it and I love the fact that the store ALWAYS has my size!

29. I drink green tea every night before bed

30. I love reading advice columns. Newspapers, magazines..... Anywhere there's an advice column I'll read it. The crazy situations people get themselves into really baffle me sometimes!

Now YOU tell ME, one thing I don't know about you!

♥ Elena

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein"  ~ H. Jackson Brown

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Bucket List

Reality TV. When I watch, it's all I watch. Sad but true. From the Kardashian's to The Real Housewives of every city in America, I watch it. Guilty pleasure. Sue me.
"The Buried Life" has become one of my guilty pleasures. If you haven't seen it, it's a group of guys traveling around trying to accomplish the task of doing everything on their Bucket List. You know, the "What I Wanna Do Before I Die" list. Every time they knock something off their list they help someone else to complete something on theirs. Last night they helped a homeless man who's wish was to reunite with the daughter he hadn't seen in 11 years. It was touching. And (of course) it got me thinking: What do I wanna do before I die? And so I thought I'd write out my list and share it with you.

Elena's Bucket List
(in no specific order)

1. Take a ride in a hot air balloon

2. Meet Oprah Winfrey

3. Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary

4. Hold my sister's first child

5. Hold my brother's first child

6. Attend my son's college graduation (x's 3)

7. Become a grandmother

8. Visit Niagra Falls

9. Become a foster parent

10. Dance the Mother-Son dance at my son's wedding (x's 3)

11. Volunteer in a homeless shelter

12. Be debt free

13. Plan my sister's wedding

14. Visit The Eiffel Tower. At night.

15. Become the proud owner of a BMW 7 series (black with black leather interior please)

16. Own a cat that my husband isn't allergic to (I'll name her Veruca)

17. Give a Matron of Honor speech at my sister's wedding

18. Go snorkeling

19.Watch a sunrise with my husband

20. Hear my adult sons tell me that I was an awesome mom

21. Babysit my grandkids while my son and daughter-in-law take a weekend getaway

22. Take a helicopter ride

23. Heal the rifts and the breaks in my life between the people I love and myself

24. Get a tattoo (even if it's an itty bitty one that only my husband can see)

25. Swim with dolphins

26. Wear a bathing suit on the beach. With no cover up. And feel great!

27.Take my daughter-in-law shopping for my grandchild. And pay for everything

28. Turn my home into the house of my dreams

29. Cook a Thanksgiving dinner. Exactly the way my mom does

30. Somehow, someway, convey to the people in my life just how much I absolutely love them

What do YOU wanna do before you die?

♥ Elena

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Featured: Blue Cupcake

It's been a month already since Dominic's 4th birthday party and I've been so busy that I haven't gotten the chance to blog about it!
I did want to offer a sneak peak at some of the photos though!
I purchased cupcakes in lou of a cake this year and I went directly to Julie at Blue Cupcake.
Not only is her design work and creativity amazing but the cupcakes are SOOO delicious!

The awesome cupcakes are only worthy of the right display so I combined fish bowls (with fake fish in them) and glass plates to put together a cupcake tower.
I sent some of the photos over to Blue Cupcake and I was thrilled when they sent me an email that they had posted some of the pictures on their blog!
Click HERE to take a look!

Here's a couple more that weren't posted:

Special thanks to Laura Laing for the great photo's!

♥ Elena

"Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected" ~ William Plomer

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wedding: Leslie & Armando

Wedding & Event Planning helps you to learn so much about people. Some people you mesh well with and instantly there's a bond.  I love that my first wedding blog post will be for Leslie & Armando. Leslie is one of thee sweetest brides I've ever worked with! She's friendly, easy going and is so appreciative of the people around her. I loved how she included me in every aspect of her wedding planning even though I was just her coordinator. I felt honored that she trusted my judgment when it came to suggestions on planning one of the most important days of her life.
Leslie and Armando's wedding day was beautiful! Everything fell into place and when we left for the night Leslie and Armando were tearing up the dance floor!

 Mr. and Mrs. Tolentino!

Leslie's sisters Jamie & Marlene were so incredibly sweet and helpful!
There's nothing more special than that sister bond!

I love the joy in this photo!


Leslie and Armando, 
Thank you so much for allowing me to be such a big part of such a special day!
I wish you all the wonderful things that love can bring!

♥ Elena

"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live" ~  Unknown

Some of Leslie & Armando's Vendors:

Photography: Shannon Lee Images
Hair: Elizabeth Cedillo
Makeup: Lauren Manzano

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Your MUA Elena: Ashleigh Taylor Photography

Recently I had the pleasure of doing makeup for a photoshoot. The photographer? The sweet and always giggly Ashleigh Taylor. I have done makeup for some shoots with Ashleigh before and I've also had the honor of being one of her clients. She's ultra laid back, always laughing and super appreciative. I'm always so glad to get an email from her!
This time her request was makeup for a bridal shoot, an engagement session and a Mr. and Mrs. shoot as well.
Though I don't have photos yet of the Mr. and Mrs. shoot yet I 'd love to share some from the bridal and engagement sessions:


All the fabulous hair for the shoot was done by Elizabeth of the Max Eli Style Lounge!

♥ Elena

"Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art" ~  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Sometimes I struggle with ideas for my blog. And sometimes my mind wanders and an idea will just come to me. This time I was reading one of those "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books. I have about 6 of them that I reread every so often just because they inspire me. To look at things differently. To forgive. To have FAITH.
The last story I read got me thinking about my own life and wondering what part of my life I could relate to what I had just read. It came to me easily but I was hesitant. To write about it here. Because well, its personal. But if I can write about it here and maybe heal a little and help someone else to relate to ME then it will be worth it. So here goes...

2 years ago my husband and I decided that when it came time to celebrate our 10th anniversary we wanted to do it by renewing our vows. This time in church, in front of God. We wanted to have our marriage and family blessed. It was important to us to set an example for our kids about their faith. I have always wanted them to believe that when things were difficult in their lives and they felt they were alone they could always turn to God. I wanted them to know that their dad and I believed the same thing.

And so Memo and I signed up for the classes and went for our sessions to talk with the priest. But there was one particular thing we would have to do that I was both dreading and anticipating at the same time. Confession. You know, where you tell the priest everything you've been holding in or done wrong and ask for forgiveness.
I had been wanting to go to confession for awhile. It had been years! And I had something heavy laying on my heart. Guilt. Years of Guilt. From doubt. In God himself.

Years ago when I found out I was growing a little life inside me I started to pray for my baby. I prayed every night while I was pregnant that he would be healthy. After he was born I added safe to that list.  And as Michael grew bigger I prayed for happiness as well. I did the same with Andrew and Dominic.
Every night I would pray and I would ask the Lord to keep my family healthy, happy and safe. Simple right? But I figured if my family had those 3 things, we would always be alright.

And then a couple days after Michael's 3rd birthday he was diagnosed with Leukemia. Our world changed and nothing was the same as it had been. I instantly thought of all the praying I had done. And I was angry. Angry that of those 3 things I had asked for each of my children, God had taken "healthy" from my son.

We spent long days at the hospital. 12 hour days. Sometimes counselors would come through and see if families needed to vent. One day as Memo and I were laying with Michael a priest came through and asked if we wanted to talk. I refused.

Over the course of  the 3 years Michael received chemotherapy treatment he continued to amaze us, our families and the staff at the hospital. He never had all night bouts of vomiting like they told me he would. He was never so weak that he could not walk. Even after his monthly spinal treatments for which he would be put to sleep he would refuse to sit in the wheel chair to be wheeled to the car. Nope! Once he was awake he would RUN to the elevator! The nurses would give me dirty looks. As if I was being cruel for not MAKING him sit in the wheel chair. But I didn't blame him. I would want to run out of there too!

What I came to realize was that my son was resilient. He was a fighter. He was stronger than I would have been. Then most of us would have been. He came out of those 3 years undaunted. At 6 years old he was as strong and as vibrant as any other boy his age. He was HEALTHY.
He was healthy and I was ridden with guilt. That I had doubted God and doubted my prayers. Doubted that in every struggle there is a lesson learned. God had been watching him all along. And just as I had asked in my prayers, my son WAS healthy, happy and safe.
Like I've said before, I believe that things happen in life that test us AND teach us. About ourselves, about life and about the people around us. Those horrible years taught me a lot of things. But the most valuable is FAITH.

♥ Elena

"Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof" ~ Kahlil Gibran

Friday, June 25, 2010


When I met him he was 20. I was 15. I know, I know. Scandalous right? It was January 20th 1996. I remember because I remember everything. He was my first official date. My first REAL boyfriend. At 15 they say you don't know much. About life or love. But I knew. In my heart. That he was IT.

I saved everything. Movie tickets, concert tickets, our horoscopes, even gum wrappers (I know, stalkerish/pathetic). I saved anything that reminded me of a moment spent with him.
He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, made me cry a couple jillion times, and asked me on my porch late one night how long he would have to wait to marry me.
But before we were married we were bonded for life. By our "little bear". Our Michael.
People said that we were too young. We wouldn't last. It never does. They said eventually he'd stop coming around. Because well, that's what guys do when they take on too much, too young. They give up and they take off. But he didn't. Like I knew he wouldn't. Because he was IT. For me.

And so he bought a house. For us. For our family. We did it backwards, but it doesn't matter now.

When Michael was a year old we married and we came back from our honeymoon with Andrew.
Years later we would be blessed a third time with Dominic.

So much changes over time. So many things happen in our lives. Good things that keep you going and not-so-good things that threaten to tear you apart.
But he's always been there. By my side. Holding me up. Keeping me sane. He listens to me. He makes me laugh. He tells me I'm beautiful. He gives me hope when I feel there's none left. He strokes my hair when we lay in bed at night. He makes me chocolate covered strawberries on special occasions. He knows exactly which days to bring home take out food for dinner and exactly how I like my coffee. He's my everything and then some.
I wish with all my might that I could make him feel my gratitude for him. For his hard work. For his loyalty. For his consideration and his faithfulness. But he'll never know. Because there are no words I could speak. Nothing I could give to show him how much I appreciate all he's done to create our life together.

Come August he will be 35 years old. That's 15 years that I've loved him. And I can't wait for the 50 more to come.


"You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when its right, its the best thing in the world. When your in a relationship and it's good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete" ~ Keith Sweat

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wish List Wednesday! It's "Summa" Time!

It's been awhile. But I'm back! And I hope I'm never away that long again!
Life has a way of bringing in challenges when you least expect it!

But summer is here! And thank God! I LOVE summa time! Yes, I said summa, that wasn't a typo. I look forward to summa time every year! I absolutely yearn for the no homework, get-to-stay-up-as-long-as-we-want, late-night-Menchi's-run nights that I get to spend with my boys! I fully intend to take complete advantage of this summer and the time I get to spend with my little guys!

Yesterday we went to get information on the Santa Clarita Aquatic Center! I can't wait to go! It's basically like a mini version of Raging Waters right down the street! And for only $3 entrance, the deal couldn't be better!

I also can't wait to go back to Paradise Cove!

I love taking the boys to the beach! We pack up a cooler with deli sandwiches, chips and drinks and head out for the day! What I love about Paradise Cove is that it's a very private beach. There are close, CLEAN restrooms and a cafe right off the beach. Mind you the parking is more expensive than at a regular beach ($20) but I think it's well worth it! At Paradise Cove you are also allowed to buy a glass of wine or a beer from the cafe and relax on the beach while you enjoy it! Suhweet!      

Another "summa" time excursion I can't wait to go on is the Griffith Park night hike! One of my friends posted about this on Facebook and I just can't wait to go! It's free and after a 2 hour hike you get to see the city lights of all Los Angeles! For a gal who needs to be "workin on her fitness" this sounds awesome! Who's up for it?!?!

So you see, summer time has lots of things awaiting me and my little man crew! My Wish this Wednesday is for an awesome, memorable summer! Stress free and super fun! I hope your "summa" is wonderful too!


"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose"  ~The Wonder Years

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wish List Wednesday! BonVoyage!

Wish List Wednesday has turned into something entirely different than what I had planned it to be. But that's ok. Because I like it. And I hope you do too.
Dresses and shoes and jewelry will no doubt pop up on my Wish List Wednesday from time to time. But so will dreams, and memories and wishes for bettering my life.
Today is one of those days.

Last Monday my parents left on a week long cruise. My brother, sister and I had given the trip to them as a gift for Christmas. A gift that we hoped would give them some time to spend alone together and reconnect.
Life kind of takes over sometimes. There's no time. To spend time. To remember why we do things in the first place. Why we go to work everyday, why we decorate for holidays, why there is a Santa Clause. It's because of FAMILY. Without it, what do we have? Not much.

My boys and I drove my parents to Long Beach early the Monday morning of their cruise. I really was jealous that I wasn't the one taking off on that beautiful boat!

But off they went! The two of them. And when they were gone from sight my boys and I gathered to say a prayer. To wish them well and for a safe return.

A couple days later my mom called from the ship. And when I heard the sound of her voice I knew in an instant! She was HAPPY. There were not much words exchanged. It was a very quick call. But when she hung up I was so HAPPY too. More happy than they could ever know. That they were together on that boat. Having fun TOGETHER. Making memories TOGETHER.

When I told my brother that my mom had called his first question was "How did she sound?". My answer? "Happy".

So today on Wish List Wednesday my wish is for a zillion cruises! A zillion trips to send them on! A zillion days that they can be free from stress and worry and all the things that this crazy life can bring. A zillion trips to make memories on. A zillion days to be HAPPY.

♥ Elena

"The love of a family is life's greatest blessing" ~ Unknown

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Big 4

I'm driving myself crazy. No, I mean really! Literally insane! The party planning has begun for Dominic's 4th birthday!

I've always, always had a passion for planning parties. Baptisms, baby showers, bridal showers, you name it, I've done it. But not until I entered the world of REAL event planning via Tina Molina Events could I truly grasp the vast selection of options when it comes to throwing parties. No longer am I able to go down to Party City and buy the plastic tablecloths and matching plates.  Tablecloths are now called "linens". No longer, is the typical Baskin Robbins ice cream birthday cake like the one my parents used to buy for us, sufficient enough for a 4 year old's taste buds. Not when I have seen the work of artists in the wedding world who use fondant to create characters from the Wizard of Oz. Things now are "different". They must be. Because I'm crazy.

As I reveal more and more details to my husband about my plans for Dominic's coming of age, I'm met with more and more looks that are really meant to say: "I really love you because your my wife, but this is getting out of hand". And yet he lets me. Because as much as planning parties is fun and well, what I DO, it's something else.

He's turning 4. And then 5. And then 10. And then 15. And then pretty soon, mom's party planning ideas are silly and not cool. I'm hanging on, for dear life! Because sooner rather than later they will go to parties that won't be planned by me. And so I plan to create as many memories as I can RIGHT NOW. Even if they are crazy, or overboard or time consuming. Because crazy and overboard when it comes to parties equals smiles and laughter for my photo album.

And anyway, overboard is my middle name isn't it?

Here's a sneak peak of one of my DIY (do it yourself) projects for Dominic's birthday.
It will be a Luau so get your grass skirts and coconut bra's ready!

♥ Elena

"A smile happens in a flash, but its memory lasts a lifetime" ~ unknown

Your MUA Elena

I'm happy to be able to post the first of my MUA entries on my blog. And of course, who other than Ms. Emalou would have the pleasure of being Numero Uno?
This past Saturday my sister Emalou woke me up bright and early for a makeup job!
Her shoot was at The Planes of Fame Airshow in Chino.
Here's one of my favorite shots!

Photo by Tim Hunter


♥ Elena

"We are sisters. We will always be sisters. Our differences may never go away but neither, for me, will our song" ~ Elizabeth Fishel

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wish List Wednesday!

For the past 2 weeks Wish List Wednesday has been a little difficult for me. I mean, how boring would my blog be if I posted about wishing for fabulous dresses every week? Make no mistake though! I do have a couple cute little numbers on my "Need this so very badly" list. But I've been thinking about different ideas for my Wish List. Waiting for something to happen during my mediocre day that will put a spark in my brain! And today it happened. It may be a little different of a wish, but its STILL a wish. And it started with Andrew. MY Andrew ♥.

 He came home from school and as I started to ask him about his day he sat down next me at the table. And then he said "Mom, if you could go back and relive any day you wanted to, what day would it be?"
I know he's my son because I've already thought of this question many, many times in my head and so I was prepared with an answer: "I would love to go back and relive 3 days, not just 1. And I would relive the day that each of my boys was born".
Now I know that sounds like a corny, typical, mom answer but its SO true! If I could go back and relive a day, just for the sheer joy and blessedness that it brought, it would be the days that my children were born. Those were honestly the best days of my life. It saddens and scares me that I may never feel that way again.

It occurred to me though, that if given the opportunity, some people might wish to go back and relive a day not to enjoy it again, but to change it. A horrible mistake was made, something was said that you wish you could take back, you missed a chance at something that will never come around again.  I have those days too. Days I wish I could relive so that I could do them over for the better. But, then I think and I have to remember, good or bad, each day got me to exactly where I am today. And for that I'm grateful.

So today, on this Wish List Wednesday my wish is to go back. To relive those 3 amazing days! To take them in, to feel those feelings, to smell that sweet new-baby-smell again, to capture a little piece of the day that I didn't see before................

What day would you wish to relive?

♥ Elena

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending" - Maria Robinson

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thanks to HIM

This blog post is dedicated to MY mom. The woman who taught me how to be a good mother.

I'm sure most of you know that a couple months ago my family and I took some family portraits. Every couple of years myself, my husband and our boys along with my brother and sister get together and take some pictures for my mom and dad. We usually give them as a gift for Mother's Day which most of the time also falls on my dad's birthday ♥. Two birds with one stone right?
This year instead of the typical Sears portraits I decided to book an actual "photo shoot" to get some different kinds of pictures. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted our photographer to be Nataly Lemus.

I have worked with Nataly before being that she is an outstanding wedding photographer. Not only did I know her work was awesome but I knew that my family and I would be comfortable with Nataly and her husband Art. I was right. Our shoot was amazing.

 A couple of weeks later Nataly blogged about our family photo session and when I read the words she wrote about our family I was so touched and honored. But something specific she wrote got me thinking.
And if you know me, you know that sometimes I need to take things in. I'm not quick-witted. I'm not fast with comebacks. I take in words and actions and I think long and hard about them. It's just me. I'm super sentimental.
So when I read Nataly's words:
"I have always told Art that if I had to choose between having all girls or all boys, I would choose all girls. This session totally changed my mind! Seeing the way the boys interact and love their parents made me say "I would not mind having all boys, at all." If you know me then you know that is a huge statement because I always talk about wanting girls when I have children".

I was taken aback. Surprised and grateful that my little family could have an impact like that.

Like I said in my previous post I'm a girly-girl. A glitter and sparkles kinda girl. A hate-camping, love-to-dress-up, cross-your-legs-like-a-lady kinda girl. So of course I always imagined the day that I would have a little girl of my own. A little "me". To dress up in cute frilly outfits. To put ribbons and bows on every strand of hair imaginable. I had the nursery all planned out in my head, pink crystal chandelier and all.

When it came time for my ultrasound during my 3rd pregnancy I just knew it was gonna be a girl. Third X's the charm right? Plus, I had taken every online quiz imaginable! Even the Chinese calendar said I would be having a girl! This time my pregnancy was "different". It had to be a girl!

And then the ultrasound wand scaled over my tummy and found that little "something" between my baby's legs. It was a boy. ANOTHER one. It was Dominic.

Over the years I've realized that having all boys has opened up my eyes to things I never saw before. I never knew the wonders of looking at spiders and bugs through magnifying glasses. I never thought about how trains, or planes or boats worked. I never knew how to understand all the plays in a football game. I never knew what it felt like to be the number one lady in the eyes of a little boy.
And then, just like that, it hit me. This was God's plan all along.

HE gave me my boys. HE wanted me to see the world through different eyes. HE wanted to open me up to new experiences. HE wanted to bring out a whole different side of me and give me a whole different view on life. And HE did. And I'm SO grateful. For MY boys. That I was given this grand opportunity to be THEIR mother.
So yes, I have 3 boys. And no, I'm not gonna "try" for that girl. Life is just the way it should be. Thanks to HIM.

Happy Mother's Day!
♥ Elena

"I'd rather be a mother than anyone on earth
Bringing up a child or two of unpretentious birth
I'd rather tuck a little child all safe and sound in bed
than twine a chain of diamonds about my carefree head
I'd rather wash a smudgy face with round, bright, baby eyes
Than paint the pageantry of fame or walk among the wise" - Meredith Gray

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wish List Wednesday!

I'm going to be honest. My mind was blank on what to post for today's Wish List Wednesday. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't have a lot of things to wish for but I wanted THIS Wednesday to be different. Why? I dunno, because Mother's Day is coming up and well, I'm just in one of those sentimental moods. I wanted my wish for this Wish List to be meaningful. To not be about material things. And as I was moseying around my house today doing the normal everyday stuff, I happened to turn on the news and saw this:

And I knew that SOMEONE had sent me the answer to my meaningful post.

To say I was moved by the story of Jessica and her mission with Project Blanket is an understatement.
I mean c'mon, I'm posting about wishing for dresses and Louboutin's and there are people out there who sleep on the street at night, on CARDBOARD.
So, on my wish this Wednesday is blankets. Gently used blankets that you can spare to give someone else a little warmth for the night.
Don't have any blankets? Then how about recyclables? Jessica not only collects blankets but recyclables that she can trade for cash to buy more blankets, food and water.
I have contacted Jessica and will be donating all the blankets and recyblables I have here in my home. If you would like to donate you can email me and I will collect your things to give to Project Blanket OR you can contact her directly at: (323) 334-5080.

Some of you might be thinking, how is giving blankets related to Mother's Day?
Oh, but it is. Because every homeless person out there is someone's dad or sister or brother or friend.
Someone's CHILD.
This Wednesday, lets give back!

♥ Elena

"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."  ~Albert Pike

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wish List Wednesday!

Last week on Wish List Wednesday my post was about finding the perfect dress. And what else goes with the perfect dress other than Thee perfect shoes right? So today on my wish list is the perfect pair of divine "going out" shoes. The shoes that make you feel like a million bucks! The shoes that make you feel like you just lost 10 pounds! The shoes that no matter how bad your feet hurt are NOT gonna come off  because well, they are just too fabulous.
To know me is to know that I am a total budget shopper. All my shoes come from Ross or TJMaxx.
Occasionally my little sister has gifted me a pair of awesome heels straight from Guess or Bakers but that's about as far as my luxury heels come.
Sadly, you will not find a single pair of Jimmy Choo's in my closet. Manolo Blahnik doesn't live there either. Neither does Christian Louboutin or Stuart Weitzman. The only boys in my closet are the one's hiding during a game of hide-and-go-seek.

But one day, I'm gonna hit the lotto, or come up with a great invention or star in a box office movie.
And when that day comes, so will the shoes!

On the top of my "Gotta get those shoes" list are:

Some Jimmy Choo's! Check out the studs on that heel!

Some Miu Miu's! Glitter AND bows?! Does it get any better?
And of COURSE the ultimate!
Some Christian Louboutin's!
Mine would be SLATHERED in jewels!

Right now I'm thinking a compromise.
These pretty babies from Baker's are all under $50!

Who's up for some shoe shopping?


“A pair of shoes can change your life. Just ask Cinderella.” -Anonymous

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sometimes I like to get Carried away...

They're back! And yet, it seems as though they never left. I'm talking about my friends. Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. Maybe you know them? If you do, then I know your equally excited as I am about their return! In exactly 31 days my girls will be back on the big screen! And you better believe I will be there, front and center with all the wonderful ladies in MY life to celebrate this great return!

If your not a fan of Sex and the City, let me just say that the story of these woman is not just about sex and its NOT just about The City. For me, it was more about friendship. And when I watch the episodes of these gals in The City I'm reminded of all the fabulous ladies in MY life.  I'm reminded that to truly call yourself a friend you have to love those in your life for who they are, completely. And that every friend, no matter how different, can bring something great into your life.

There are the friends that make you laugh and the friends with whom you cry. The friends that test your faith and the friends who show you where to find it. The friends who sit quietly and listen and the friends who talk you through those moments in life when you can't do it alone. The friends who love you for exactly who you are and the friends who inspire you to be something better.

So today I thank MY friends. You know who you are. Your reading this right now!
You'll never know what you mean to me! But just in case you do, let's celebrate!
With our other friends, Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha.
Like I said, 31 days! And counting! See you there?

♥ Elena

"We made a deal ages ago. Men, babies, it doesn't matter. We're soul mates" - Samantha

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wish List Wednesday!

Often I like to browse the internet. Mostly to shop for things I can't buy. Hey a girl can wish, can't she? I love to go to my favorite websites and fill my online shopping cart with my "if I had the money" purchases. Sounds silly right? I know, but for me, it's therapeutic. After my boys are in bed for the night I'll curl one leg under the other and sit at my computer and "shop". Sometimes I get so excited about my random finds that I email links to my friends. And so, it got me thinking, I could post some of these fabulous finds on my blog every week. You guys can tell me if it's ultra lame or something you would totally wish for too!
This week my hunt was on a for a fabulous dress! If you know me well, you know that I am a total dress freak! You like coach purses? I love dresses! A new one for every special occasion! (One day they will be vintage, I swear!) Anyway, one of my besties Christina will be turning the big 3-0 next month! You better believe we will be celebrating! And in fabulous dresses for sure. Here's the lame part: I already have my dress! LoL BUT I was still on the look out, because well, a girl can always use a backup dress AND I can always send the link to my friends so they can find a dress to wear too!
Call me crazy but I've always wanted an Herve Leger dress! I think they are beautiful, sexy, flattering and oh-so-amazing! But alas, for me, the price tag on such a dress is something I could never afford, let alone imagine paying! Here are some of my favs:

And number 1 on my wish list (just cuz it sparkles):
Price tag: $2800

So tell me, what's on YOUR "if I had the money" wish list?

♥ Elena

"Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hello all! For the longest time now I've been contemplating starting a blog. I love the idea of sharing some of my thoughts, adventures and dreams with the people that know me and maybe some people that don't. I was a little apprehensive though, I must admit. The thought of putting things out there about my life leaves me open to judgment and that scares me. But I've thought a lot about it and I figured that insecurity is something I need to overcome. Like me or not, I'm ME and I really want to be comfortable with ME and besides, "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" right?
A little about ME:

  • I'm a wife! My husband and I have been married for 11 years!

  • I'm a mom! I have 3 awesomely handsome boys! 

  • I am an event planner/coordinator! I work for the fabulous Christina of TinaMolinaEvents! This opportunity has been such a blessing for me! There are so many reasons why I love this job (which will take up a whole post on its own), including the fact that I get to work with one of my bestest friends! 
  • I am a certified makeup artist! I graduated from makeup school over 2 years ago and have been slowly building my porfolio ever since!
If you get to know me, you'll like me, I think. 
I believe in trying my hardest to see the best in people before I judge them.
I'm optimistic, sometimes to a fault. 
I love my family and friends and I try as hard as I can to be loyal and supportive to them.
I believe in always telling people how much they mean to you because you never know if you'll get a second chance. Life just works that way sometimes.
I'm a total girly girl. I'm instantly attracted to anything that glitters, sparkles, shines or shimmers ♥

Alright, enough about ME. The rest you'll learn on your own........while reading my blog! Right?!  

♥ Elena

"If you wait to do everything until your sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything"