Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wish List Wednesday!

Often I like to browse the internet. Mostly to shop for things I can't buy. Hey a girl can wish, can't she? I love to go to my favorite websites and fill my online shopping cart with my "if I had the money" purchases. Sounds silly right? I know, but for me, it's therapeutic. After my boys are in bed for the night I'll curl one leg under the other and sit at my computer and "shop". Sometimes I get so excited about my random finds that I email links to my friends. And so, it got me thinking, I could post some of these fabulous finds on my blog every week. You guys can tell me if it's ultra lame or something you would totally wish for too!
This week my hunt was on a for a fabulous dress! If you know me well, you know that I am a total dress freak! You like coach purses? I love dresses! A new one for every special occasion! (One day they will be vintage, I swear!) Anyway, one of my besties Christina will be turning the big 3-0 next month! You better believe we will be celebrating! And in fabulous dresses for sure. Here's the lame part: I already have my dress! LoL BUT I was still on the look out, because well, a girl can always use a backup dress AND I can always send the link to my friends so they can find a dress to wear too!
Call me crazy but I've always wanted an Herve Leger dress! I think they are beautiful, sexy, flattering and oh-so-amazing! But alas, for me, the price tag on such a dress is something I could never afford, let alone imagine paying! Here are some of my favs:

And number 1 on my wish list (just cuz it sparkles):
Price tag: $2800

So tell me, what's on YOUR "if I had the money" wish list?

♥ Elena

"Don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams"


  1. Lmao boo, I do the same! I love web browsing even when i can't buy. I'm always attracted to dresses with V neckline....You have good taste. P.S. not lame! Muah Veronica

  2. Girl, I ALWAYS do Dream Web Surfing...I even joined GILT in hope that One day I will be able to even afford Clearence on there.. so far, Nope =/ if I had the money i would go Crazy for L.A.M.B Hangdbags & shoes ;)

  3. i want this Valentino bag we have at work, she is so pretty! its chocolate brown with a huge flower on the front...i will be on the lookout for future fab finds from you!!! xoxo
