Tuesday, November 2, 2010

30 things you didn't know about me

This month I'm turning the big 3-0. Although I know that may not seem like a big deal to some, I've discovered that the average American woman lives to be around 79 years old. That means I'm almost half way there! Eeeek!
If I'm almost half way done with life then I better get to thinking about what I've done so far and what still lies ahead right?
I've had a constant thought in my head lately. A nagging really. A "what's my purpose in life?" kinda thought. And although I am thankful to have been put on this earth to be a mother to my 3 amazing boys, sometimes I worry that I'll leave this earth without having the opportunity to have made an impact.
Something outside the normal day to day. Nothing spectacular or crazy, just something......special.
I feel like maybe if everyone planned to make an impact in this world in a positive way before heading out the door, this earth might be a better place.
As you may have figured out by now I have a lot of random thinking going on in my brain. I thought it might be fun (and in honor of my 30th birthday approaching) to share a list of some other things you may not know about me. And just to be, you know, random, I'll make it a list from 1-30!

1. I was born with a hole in my heart. To my parents relief it closed by itself over time.

2. I learned to roller skate when I was about 6 or 7 years old and was really good! I was super bummed when "Roller Blades" made their debut.

3. I've had oral surgeries to remove 5+ extra teeth that have randomly grown in. So not cool! My dad appointed me with the name "Snaggle Tooth"

4. I'm addicted to the "Ka-Glom" game on my cell phone. It relaxes me so I play it in bed at night.

5. I am terrified of glaciers! Don't ask me why! I don't know! I've never seen one in person, just pictures and they are terrifying!

6. My pet peeve is people who chew gum with their mouths open. It's still food AND your chewing, so shut it!

7. I had a pet mouse when I was younger that I kept in my room. Ughhhh!

8. My grandmother once told my mom that I was reincarnated

9. I cheated on a test once in 5th grade and got an A+. I've never been able to forget about that and I've always wanted to apologize to Ms. Bauer, my 5th grade teacher.

10.  If I won the lottery tomorrow my husband and I would have more children

11. I think my hands are chubby and I've always wanted pretty, dainty girly hands like some of my friends.

12. I think I have a little bit of OCD. No really!

13. I took my driver's license test 9 months pregnant. (I passed)

14. People tell me that I'm really sensitive. I think most people need to be more sensitive to others!

15. It really annoys me when people don't use spell check.

16. I collect snow globes. I have tons of them. I try and get one everytime I go somewhere special. And anytime a friend or family member goes on vacation and asks if I'd like them to bring me something back I always ask for a snow globe. I have snow globes from Italy, Hawaii, New York, LasVegas, Disneyland and one from my honeymoon circa 1999 ♥, among others!

17. I got detention once in 3rd grade for not doing my homework. My dad was always late picking us up from school so he never found out.

18. I've never been in a physical fight

19. When I was pregnant with Andrew my Dr. told me that he was going to be less than 7 pounds so I opted to try for a natural birth. He was born at 9 pounds 1 oz. The Dr. was a little off..........

20. When my son Michael was receiving his chemotherapy treatments I learned how to give him his medications intravenously so that he wouldn't have to go to the hospital everyday.

21. I once witnessed a guy who was speeding on the fwy slam right into the back of an 18 wheeler. It was the worst thing I've ever seen and the feeling of watching it was horrifying.

22. I met and shook hands with President Bill Clinton after the Northridge earthquake.

23. I HATE hot dogs!

24. My own personal motto in life is that I have it "MADE" = Memo, Michael, Andrew, Dominic & Elena

25. I hate the sound of my cell phone going off so I put it on silent and check it when I remember

26. My favorite alcoholic beverage is a banana margarita. Which leads me to my #27:

27. I hate beer

28. I wear a size 10 shoe which I was really embarrassed about for awhile. But I've gotten over it and I love the fact that the store ALWAYS has my size!

29. I drink green tea every night before bed

30. I love reading advice columns. Newspapers, magazines..... Anywhere there's an advice column I'll read it. The crazy situations people get themselves into really baffle me sometimes!

Now YOU tell ME, one thing I don't know about you!

♥ Elena

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein"  ~ H. Jackson Brown


  1. one thing that you dont know about me is that....i wish I could be more like you xoxox

  2. Awe I loved your Blog! One thing people don't know about me is that I am actually really sensitive, but I come off as a Tough Girl!
