Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hello all! For the longest time now I've been contemplating starting a blog. I love the idea of sharing some of my thoughts, adventures and dreams with the people that know me and maybe some people that don't. I was a little apprehensive though, I must admit. The thought of putting things out there about my life leaves me open to judgment and that scares me. But I've thought a lot about it and I figured that insecurity is something I need to overcome. Like me or not, I'm ME and I really want to be comfortable with ME and besides, "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter" right?
A little about ME:

  • I'm a wife! My husband and I have been married for 11 years!

  • I'm a mom! I have 3 awesomely handsome boys! 

  • I am an event planner/coordinator! I work for the fabulous Christina of TinaMolinaEvents! This opportunity has been such a blessing for me! There are so many reasons why I love this job (which will take up a whole post on its own), including the fact that I get to work with one of my bestest friends! 
  • I am a certified makeup artist! I graduated from makeup school over 2 years ago and have been slowly building my porfolio ever since!
If you get to know me, you'll like me, I think. 
I believe in trying my hardest to see the best in people before I judge them.
I'm optimistic, sometimes to a fault. 
I love my family and friends and I try as hard as I can to be loyal and supportive to them.
I believe in always telling people how much they mean to you because you never know if you'll get a second chance. Life just works that way sometimes.
I'm a total girly girl. I'm instantly attracted to anything that glitters, sparkles, shines or shimmers ♥

Alright, enough about ME. The rest you'll learn on your own........while reading my blog! Right?!  

♥ Elena

"If you wait to do everything until your sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything"

1 comment:

  1. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.
    - William Shakespeare
    ....and only a few acheive it all! Congrats Love!
