Monday, October 18, 2010

My Bucket List

Reality TV. When I watch, it's all I watch. Sad but true. From the Kardashian's to The Real Housewives of every city in America, I watch it. Guilty pleasure. Sue me.
"The Buried Life" has become one of my guilty pleasures. If you haven't seen it, it's a group of guys traveling around trying to accomplish the task of doing everything on their Bucket List. You know, the "What I Wanna Do Before I Die" list. Every time they knock something off their list they help someone else to complete something on theirs. Last night they helped a homeless man who's wish was to reunite with the daughter he hadn't seen in 11 years. It was touching. And (of course) it got me thinking: What do I wanna do before I die? And so I thought I'd write out my list and share it with you.

Elena's Bucket List
(in no specific order)

1. Take a ride in a hot air balloon

2. Meet Oprah Winfrey

3. Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary

4. Hold my sister's first child

5. Hold my brother's first child

6. Attend my son's college graduation (x's 3)

7. Become a grandmother

8. Visit Niagra Falls

9. Become a foster parent

10. Dance the Mother-Son dance at my son's wedding (x's 3)

11. Volunteer in a homeless shelter

12. Be debt free

13. Plan my sister's wedding

14. Visit The Eiffel Tower. At night.

15. Become the proud owner of a BMW 7 series (black with black leather interior please)

16. Own a cat that my husband isn't allergic to (I'll name her Veruca)

17. Give a Matron of Honor speech at my sister's wedding

18. Go snorkeling

19.Watch a sunrise with my husband

20. Hear my adult sons tell me that I was an awesome mom

21. Babysit my grandkids while my son and daughter-in-law take a weekend getaway

22. Take a helicopter ride

23. Heal the rifts and the breaks in my life between the people I love and myself

24. Get a tattoo (even if it's an itty bitty one that only my husband can see)

25. Swim with dolphins

26. Wear a bathing suit on the beach. With no cover up. And feel great!

27.Take my daughter-in-law shopping for my grandchild. And pay for everything

28. Turn my home into the house of my dreams

29. Cook a Thanksgiving dinner. Exactly the way my mom does

30. Somehow, someway, convey to the people in my life just how much I absolutely love them

What do YOU wanna do before you die?

♥ Elena

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching"